Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pagans of Borneo - a rare insight into the lifestyles of the Natives of Borneo at the close of Nineteenth Century

Kadazan - the People who believes in the sacrificial Love of G-d (Kinoingan Minamangun)

Unique in the belief system of the Kadazan people, comprising of the 12 tribes, i.e. Sokid or Interior people, Tangaa, Lotud, Rungus, Tatana, Tombonuo-Sungei, Bisaya, Kuijau, Bagahak-Idaan, Tutong, Bonggi and Murut, is Minamangun (Creator) known as Kinoingan-Kinorohingan (Name above all names-the Ancient Ones) and His sacrificial love for his children (Kadazan-Kadayan). He gave them the land, which eventually become known as Sabah (North Borneo-Kalimantan Utara), to plant their garden, hunt for wild animals, gather herbs, fishes and tubers, abundantly found there, bamboo, rattan, timbers and minerals for their daily needs, build their 'sulap', share with their neighbors and make sacrifices to their Kinoingan Minamangun. 

Their culture was based on 'loving and doing to others what others want them to do upon themselves; of mutual help and respect like 'mitabang, taggal, mihusod, etc, living in harmony with each other and respect the laws of nature which Kinoingan had handed down to them through word of mouth and progressive revelation. Greed and avarice were never encouraged, so was lording it over others; their leaders were taught to be 'servant leaders' but a new group of men, who knew a different god, a god of violent, war and bloodshed, came over their land, plundered them, destroyed and burnt their villages, killed all their leaders and priests, took their women and children as slaves and sacrifice their 'demon gods and goddess - the sun and moon goddess." Some by the grace of Kinoingan Minamangun (YHVH ELOHIM) escaped to the jungles and made their way to safety to the land below the Wind of Ruach Kodesh (Sunduvan Tobitua)