The term "Christian" had been very much abused of late, that to the Muslims, it reminds them of the bloody persecutions and massacres by the Roman Catholics, under the Crusades, of Muslims, Jews and Protestants; and in the post modern era, as those in developed countries, it speaks to them of liberal movement, prosperity gospel, white supremacists under the KKK, the gay and lesbianism coming as ordained ministers, paedophile Catholic priests prying on innocent children under their care, etc - but these are but the few tactics of the enemies of Yeshua HaMaschiach, who came undetected as 'wolves under sheep clothing', using religion,false doctrines, deception and charitable organizations, to continue to 'steal, kill and destroy' the very human race that Yeshua came to save by dying on the Cross 2,000 plus years ago at Calvary.
While preparing for His second coming, those who are truly converted to be His disciples and followers, born-again of His Holy Spirit, renewed in their minds and sanctified in their bodies and lifestyles, irrespective of their race, color and cultural background, continue to spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically grow to the Christ-like maturity when their cries will be "for us, to live is Christ, to die is gain." These are the real children of God, or Kadazan - the good Spirited People - who had been guaranteed by the Word of God of Eternal Salvation and Co-heirs with Yeshua in the Kingdom of God.

Christian Education - Francis Nigel Lee