To fulfill Abba Father's calling for the Kadazan, the good Spirited and His beloved People, as a Nation of Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2:9-10), the Head and not the tail, the Lender and not the borrower. The term Kadazan here signifies those who are born-again, spirit filled and baptized with the Holy Spirit and come from different racial, cultural or denominational background.


As we have been commissioned by Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach, we now set our hand to write the mission statement of the KADAZAN MESSIANIC UNIVERSITY, so that “He that runs may read it, the vision having been clearly written and made plain Habakkuk 2:2

1) UNITY - To build up the Body of Yeshua HaMashiach by networking with all bodies of believers as well as with local and international ministries. This networking is to provide seasoned leadership and marketplace ministers to the small local communities, to encourage unity and fellowship among believers, community leadership and social media groups through active service;

2) GOSPEL - To go with the lifeline of the good news, to educate with love, integrity, and without compromise ;

3) ONE CROSS FOR ALL - To cross the cultural, racial, and denominational lines for unity, fellowship, networking, and progress. To have an open door through KMU to all who desire to join with us in a common goal and for the highest good. To proclaim one cross for all nations, races, denominations, and peoples;

4) GO YE - To go wherever there is a need, to rich or poor, to majorities or minorities, to large or small community, to free or bound to go where many fail to go and to meet the needs before us;

5) THE CALLED - To make available opportunities to those called to minister and to expand their horizons, through new associations and experiences; 
6) To aid new and/or younger ministers fulfilling Gods call on their lives;

7) EDUCATION - God has charged us with communicating the good news through education to whosoever will listen. This education is through foundational schools that teach the biblical basics of Yeshua's Messiaship as well as online lectures, video and audio presentation through social media, seminar, symposiums and conferences, house to house visitations for those seeking more in-depth levels in biblical teachings;

7) APPLICATION - To bring opportunity to students by making available to them teachings and Information for practical application and beyond traditional confines;

8) DREAM A DREAM - To cause each person we associate with to catch a vision, to dream yet another dream, and to keep their eyes on Jesus. the author and finisher of their faith; and

9) THE CALL - To encourage each person to move out of their comfort zone, to be all they can be for Christ and to fulfill that call upon their life. To encourage each one to pursue his purpose, live up to his potential and produce the fruits of the Spirit.