Thursday, October 11, 2012

A proud and happy father giving away his beloved

What a moment to cherish when you walk your beloved daughter along the aisle to be given to the prospective husband, the future son-in-law, where as the head of the family, when God's word is honored and obeyed, the couple receives blessing and protection, and the marriage is under the loving and tender care of our Heavenly Father.
Proverbs 30:17 "The eye that mocks a father .......will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures.
Through the influence of a Jezebelic mother, my daughter took to the street and staged a silent war against her father, shouting to him like he is a criminal of some sort, got married without even informing him but God's word was faithful and sooner or later, her marriage started to crumble.
Just praying that she recognized her folly and repent, come back to being an obedient daughter before it is too late.