Saturday, May 30, 2015

Why retain and preserve the use of the term Kadazan as an umbrella termto refer to the 12 main tribes and 40+ sub-tribes of Sabah's firstnation people group.

Genesis 1:26-29 KJV
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. [27] So God created man (kadazan) in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [28] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. [29] And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Songian nopo do kitanak tokou, onuan tokou izioho do ngaan i okon nopo do kointutunan dioho nga iso pogohungngungan om balakat montok dioho doid koposizon dioho doid vinoun. Iho no sabap so songian asangod om aaha izioho do gagut, ahanan toi onuan izioho do ngaan suvai i au mambalakat dioho nga mogovit do tataau om kapatazaon.
Songian kaatu zi Adam om Eva doid hongon di Logon Gazo, Satan aka Lucifer, naahanan ngaavi disido o ngaan di Adam om sinakagon disido sabap okon nodii ko miaga di kodododuuvo om kogiginovoo do Kinoingan izioho nga miaga dii di doun Logon Gazo.
Genesis 5:3 KJV
And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
John 8:44 KJV
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Nga ka do Kinoingan, sabap no do koginavaan Ku selajur (agape/unconditional love) montok diozu, pataakon Ku i Tanak Ku di iiso no, Boos Ku nokopomuonsi id paganaakan songuhun hahangangai/sumandak, i Maria sinakagon di Eva, savo di Adam, do dumadi do "Bohi" (atonement) montok douso diozu. (Gen 3:5, John 3:16, Isa 53) Om songian iti do adadi, osusu Isido doid kampung do Bethlehem, opunganan Isido do Immanuel toi "Kinoingan miampai dotokou" toi Yeshua Messiah, i Mononobus do Nopihi! Isido no i Doumba do Kinoingan, i koundun (huminundun) montok douso ngaavi do tuhun/kadazan, i Bohi montok kagabasan diozu mantad tungkohing, kagos om tolungku do Logon gazo aka Satan aka Lucifer, douso, kapatazon, pomogunan om tonsi (fleshy nature) diozu sondii! Sundung aiso do hasa Disido, agakom, hokimon om ukumon Isido gisom do kapapak om apatai Isido okon sabap douso Disido nga douso ngaavi diozu Kadazan/Tuhun! Ohobong Isido do tohu sodop om tohu tadau nga otungag (huminodun komozon suminuni mahik mantad gamut) vagu Isido, ontok kaapat ngopod tadau hinaid Disido mantad kinotungagan Dau mantad hobong, minsavat Isido kumaa doid Surga do naamot om gumuhi vagu Isido do mikot om monimung om mangangkat di tutumanud ngaavi Disido di tongotopot!

Tumanud do boos di Odu ku Ginayam doid dogo, tujuan nopo kozo do Bobohizan do sumuku do do Kinoingan nga mokihingos toi mokitabas do kinahasaan om douso ngaavi do tuhun nga au izioho kohimpantai om kosuvon doid nizonon do Kinoingan. Nokuo? Sabab mogovit toi mongoluang  nopo di sunduvan dioho nga i divato dioho (guiding spirits) i minghahasu do mantad Kinoingan nga mantad ma i kopizo do logon gazo huminosod do kopolintaan do Kinoingan doiti id Vinoun ontok kaatu i Zadam aka Kadazan doid douso!
Om iho no sabap do dodoiho no iziho tukad kumaapat. Ikoon nopo do Kinoingan nga gisom opupusan i tuu (7) tukad. Noikot ninavau do babang mantad doiho, pioumungon po iho babang do 1,000 tadau nga au kabaga!
Nga sundung do ingkaa i,  kakal izioho do kalati om kiva kotumbazaan do okon ko mantad zioho doid pogun tatanga (middle earth) nga mantad Kinoingan, tu vinangun izioho miampai hongon sondi do Kinoingan mantad hagit taagang (Adam ka doid boos do Hebrew), tumanud voos om pomooson Disido, pinuabaan Disido do Sunduvan toi Ruach Kodesh Dau, om kadadi izioho do Koduduvo di poimizau (Living soul) komozon sakag toi tanak do Kinoingan - Kadazan.
Kanou soisuko om lotio tokou itia pinibaasan di songuhun bobohizan tondu om iso logon miontong maza di divato dosido (Ondig om Andam) Bahazi om Boisan!
"Divato oi, kumukud oi,
Kodivataan dikozu, komukudan di muzu,
Iiih  kano podo umangkai, kodivatan dikozu,
Komukudan dimuzu, umakai tokou,
Kanou manakadai,
Kanou munsuvab,
Manakadai doid hibababou,
Mononsuvato id sombou.
Divato oi, kumukud oi,
Toodo tokou do madsakazan,
Toodo tokou do mogundanan,
Om sontimbang tokou no,
Sombat nokio, nombo nopo au otimbang
Nga timbangon do timbagat,
Paaton do tanghansod,
Do au no otimbang,
Au apaat nga oiti no tokou do hintaga,
Disakazan, diti hinsonod, diti tudanan.
Kanou bosizo tokou sakazan,
Koudo do tozohud,
Bobosi ingkondio.
Koudo do bongutano,
Ingkokondio  ih binosi,
Bongutan ih ginaud.
Uha induvo bosi,
Kiva nga intohu gaud.
Aati to no do tozohud,
Uha induvo bosizo,
Vanga intohu gaud.
Iiih om nokosondikot  to no oi Ondig,
Iiih om nakasa'amboi to no oi Andam.
Nokosondikot kito nodo nantadon,
Nakasahamboi kito nodo gazamon,
Hiiih sondikoton unsui,
Hiih sonhoboson kio.

Logon: "Tuuk oi Boisan, Bahazi,
    isai  ti monondikot,
   Dozo iti manahambo?"

Bambahazon: "Tuuk oi Boisan, Bahazi,
Ada oku intukao,
Nobobou oku pom sandak,
Noguom oku pom dazang;
Ada oku ih intukao,
Iiih nobobou oku ih,
Noguom oku ih kio."

Logon: " Tuuk oi Boisan, Bahazi,
     Koiho kodo monondikot.
     Aanom ko monanhaboi,
     tondu Tanga'a ko toi,
     Tu kisinakai do baahon,
     Kinudan do tuvakon,
     Kisinakai do hinava,
     Kinudan do dadai? "

Bambazon: "Gina gina naku,
Om kisinakai do baahon,
Tuvakon, hinava, dadai,
Tondu KADAZAN zou ih,
Kimokudan kio:
Tu kisinakai zou do tagung,
Kinudan do gimbahon,
Kisinakai do tandaa,
Kinudan do tomudung,
Kisinakai zou do ondika,
Kinudan do inandoi,
Kisinakai do sangadangon,
Kinudan do sontomungan,
Kisinakai do pamantai,
Kinudan do hobuon,
Kisinakai zou do koiing,
Kinudan do doisoos,
Kisinakai do suud,
Kinudan do sudai,
Kisinakai do tumau,
Kinudan do tisu,
Tumau do ginavo,
Iiisu do hinsonod."
(At this point, my grandma, who had been a Christian (RC) for a number of years, stopped as she felt that the evil spirits i.e. divato, were trying to come back to her.)
Note: dictated by Odu Ginayam ( a student bobohizan in early 1900)
            recorded by: Gun Ignatius Buji (grandson) in 1964.
 Note: The author wish to acknowledge Gundohing Dtk Justin Stimol's contribution in correcting a couple of the misspelled term in the ina'ait i.e. "tott" to "tuuk"
(These articles are copyright to the author and permission is given to copy them for educational purposes provided the source is acknowledged.)
Kaamatan Joy was first celebrated in Penampang in late fifties and early sixties before Sabah aka North Borneo joined together with Sarawak, Singapore and Malaya to form Malaysia as "Mamanau Kampung" or "Korpus Kristi" in commemoration of the "exodus" of God's people from Egypt, the land of sins and death and the promise of future redemption that the "Bohi" of Yhvh God will bring to the human race!

Donald Steven aka Tun Fuad  on 31/8/1963 as the first Chief Minister of Sabah and Huguan Siou of the Kadazans claiming the promises of Yhvh God and declaring Sabah and its people free from the shackle of British Colonialism and became self independent under Yhvh God, the God of Abraham, Izaac and Jacob, the God of the Bible.
After 666, (some called it the double six tragedy) which happened on Pentecost Sunday 1976,  the people went back to the worship of Baal, through the unredeemed priesthood of bobolians/tantagas, knowingly or unknowingly participating in the worship of babylonian gods and godesses - e.g. Bambahazon/Bambarayon, queen of heaven, mother earth or nature, etc!
An age long symbol of Babylonian religion - the moon and sun god/goddess: Baal and Ashotereth!
Yhvh God revealed to a pagan King Nebuchadnesser how world governments changed hands before the Eternal Kingdom of Christ takes over as enterprated by Daniel.