Friday, June 5, 2015

The CERN Conspiracy - Anthony Patch with Canary Cry Radio (May 07, 2015)

666 - marked of the beast. Satan aka Lucifer had declared war against Yhvh Kinoingan. The war zone is the Kadazan's heart - meaning humans created in the image and picture of Yhvh. Satan's strategy, among others, is deception which ultimately led to death, not just physical but also eternal death.

Religion and religious men and women are Satan's chief target to convert them to believe in his lies, which he himself honestly believed, to do his will and reject Yhvh Kinoingan and His Word made flesh (Kadazan).

The above video is Satan's age old strategy, teaching unbelieving men and women and using their unregenerated spirit and unrenewed mind, sub-atomic technology to create and use weapons of mass destructions in co-operation with Shiva, the Hindu god/goddess of Destruction, to destroy the Universe and make war with Yhvh Kinoingan and His angels.

But we know that being created beings, their ends have already been prophesied in the Books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Gospel of Matthew and Revelations. So let us read and study our bible, don't be deceived to abandon our birth right as a Kadazan - the co-heir and co-ruler of the Universe with Yeshua the Messiah. You are a human. TuhUNKO, meaning KADAZAN, not a half demon/human (momogun), orchard (dusun), tangaa (middle earth) sungei (river), tuhau (herb), etc, created in the image and picture of Kinoingan Minamangun, Yhvh Elohim.

All articles and materials copyrighted to the authors.