Monday, February 27, 2017

Bangsa Malaysia - Kadazanism

The mistaken perception of what Kadazanism or the true meaning of Kadazan.

An extract of a Bobohizan ina'ait by Odu Ginayam, an apprentice Bobohizan in 1907-1913, recorded by her grandson Ignatius Buji in 1964.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Kadazan Tangaa Penampang - dance and spirituality

The 7 spirits identified by the Tantagas ( Lotud term for Bobohizan). Bobohizan/Bobolian/Tatangas - are they the priests of  Kinoingan YHVH or Satan aka Lucifer? Who are these mt. spirits identified here, i.e. Gunsangod (god/goddess of war/shiva/isis), Singkarad, Rangkai, Liso, Rongko, Tanggung and Tungku nu Kinabalu (Semi-Ramis, Queen of Heaven, Ashotoreth, Kali? Aki/Odu Kinabalu?

Bobohizan and her apprentices performed healing services @ Penampang in early 1900.
One of the many spiritual beings encountered by her in "magavau, modsuut and monghinhosop" ritual ceremonies as narrated by her. (nipon miaga do papana, tohingo miaga tohingo gaja)

Gun Martin Solibun and 2 others in 2016 @ Sorinsim national park had an encounter and saw with their naked eyes the person of Jezebel aka Unduk Ngadau aka Mary mother of god, aka Isis, etc who look like the above pic. (courtesy of google/publisher)
The Pagan version of Unduk Ngadau or Huminodun is actually the fertility goddess Ashotoreth or Asherah, Isis, Diana, Mary mother of God, Hindu Kali, Wang Nyin, etc.

Extract of a "renaait" performed during magavau, modsuut and monginhosop recorded in 1964 by a grandson of Odu Ginayam, a student Bobohizan in 1907-13.

The biblical 3 heavens, the second heaven is thought to be Satan and all the created beings are located while the third heaven is where the Throne of Yahveh Elohim is located.
A sketch of Mt. Kinabalu taken drawn around 1880 - a sacred mountain for the Kadazan aka Dusun aka Ida'an aka SunDyak as a resting place of the spirits of the departed relatives before they make their way to Hibabou (heaven) (courtesy of the publisher)

A modern version of Huminundun/Huminodun aka Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ based on revelation by the Holy Spirit. (courtesy of the artist)

A Kadazan author and intercessor, researcher and a witness of Yeshua HaMashiach, IB, grandson of Odu Ginayam in 2011@ Kota Kinabalu, Fgbmf International Conference.

Mamanau kampung, a Passover or Paska celebration in Penampang (St.Michael's Church) in the 1960's in conjunction with the celebration of Harvest Festival or Kaamatan which took place from 11-14th May each year.
A modern medical doctor from Penampang in 2007, a great grand-daughter of Odu Ginayam.

Further reading :