Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Kadazans which in Hebrew means Adam are descendants of Eber (Hebrew) through his son Joktan.

What western explorers and historians wrote about the Kadazan, a nation of 12 main and 43 sub-tribes before Christians missionaries started evangelizing them in 1881, testify to the fact that the Supreme God worshipped by the indigenous 'pagan' people had qualities similar to the God of the Bible. The Kadazan ( being having the breath of Yah) was classified as a branch of the Murut People by Mac Dougal and Dr. Rose; Spenser St. John noted that in 1850s, the Bajau referred to them as Idaan but the Mohammedan referred to them as Dusuns (Orchard) or Simpletons/Stupid. (Bruneians/Sunda) but among themselves they are referred to as just Kadazan (Kadayan/uhun/Lun) from some locality as Kadazan Tindal or Tuhawon. They were the main inhabitants of the Northern part of Borneo, occupying 60-70 per cent of the sparsely populated island.

Among the Dusuns there are many variations of the legend of the creation. Some say that Kinaringan (Kinoingan/Kinorohingan), seeing that the world he had made was lonely, planted a red nunuk tree which, when it grew big, put forth miraculous leaves that became human beings and were swept by the wind to all corners of the earth. Others say that he took his blow-pipe and fired one dart at the sun and brought down to earth a man, another at the moon and brought down a woman ; but there is another story which is in some respects curiously parallel to that in the second chapter of Genesis, though those who believe it have never heard of the Holy Writ. According to this version,Kinaringan first of all hewed two rough images out of stone, but so hard and cold were they that even by blowing upon them with his divine breath he could not quicken them with life. So casting them aside, he set to carving two fresh images out of wood, only to find that the wood was no more responsive than the stone. At last he took some earth and mixing it with clay he modelled it into human forms ; then he breathed upon it and this time, his material being soft and pliant, the images became human beings. For a while they lived happily together, but at length they began to grieve that they had no children. Kinaringan, who had spent a deal of time and trouble on making his first couple, felt disinclined to begin again. So one night, when the couple was asleep, he took a rib from the man and a rib from the woman and interchanged them. In some strange manner they were by this means able to have children and so became the parents of mankind. As he had made his first couple from earth he decreed that they and all who came after them must return to the earth again and that is the reason the Dusuns bury their dead. Pp 271-272 Rutter's British North Borneo."

Owen Rutter had written these observations in 1878; the first Christian missionary in Borneo started only in 1881.

 Shem means honourable name, which fits well with East Asian cultural values.  

In the Hebrew Bible, God is referred to as ‘The Honourable Name’ (HA-SHÈM), 

thus associating God with the people of Shem.  In Genesis 10:21, Shem is called 

“the father of all the children of Eber,” meaning the Hebrew people.  The word 

Hebrew means ‘of Eber,’ or ‘descended from Eber.’  Gen. 10:25,

                To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg,

                for in his days the earth was divided, 

                and his brother’s name was Joktan. 

The Hebrew race has therefore descended from Eber in two branches: Peleg 

and Joktan.  The name Peleg means division, (indicating the division of mankind 

in Babylon, Gen. 11:7-9), and the name Joktan means diminished, (indicating the diminished lifespan of mankind at that time). 

The Kadazan Name for the Creator G-d is Kinoingan, a corruption of Kinoingaan, which means a Name above all names, similar to Ha-Shem.  In other tribes, He is known as Kinorohingan, 

Kinoringan, Kinaringan.

The rootword for Kadazan is "daza" (z dialect) or "daya" (y dialect) Some scholars believed that it was originally spelt with an "h" as dayah. The prefix "da" signifies relationship or ownership as "dagai", "dahai", "daton", "daza", so "dayah" means "belonging to Yah (Yhvh)"  The prefix "ka" means "spoken word" or "breath.

Based on oral traditions, the Kadazan's Bobohizans cannot access to the Throne of Grace to make "representation and intercession" for their people because the divato (spirit guides) can only go to the 4th steps of the 7 steps-ladder to Hibabou. The light coming from where Kinoingan Minamangun is brighter than 1,000 suns put together. 

The is a 7 steps ladder that goes to Hibabou (heaven of heavens) where the Throne of Kinoingan Minamangun.

Further reading CLICK HERE
Kinoingan has a wife, Suminundu, and a son (popular version : a daughter) Huminundun/Huminodun. Kinoingan means Name above names, Huminundun/Huminodun - Sacrificed/Resurrected One and Suminundu - Miraculous. They are the tri-une God known to the Kadazan in their mother tongue. 
After various western explorers like Spenser St. John, Treacher, Mc Dougal, Owen Rutter who wrote recorded the observations above, western missionaries like the Anglican, Roman Catholics, Basel Missions, etc in 1881, it was only by 1952 that Holy Spirit led churches and congregations started. 
The death of Christ ushered in the new covenant under which we are justified by God's grace and mercy -- it is now possible to have the true forgiveness of sins. Jesus Himself is the Mediator of this better covenant between God and man (Heb. 9:15). Jesus' sacrificial death served as the oath, or pledge, which God made to us to seal this new covenant.

The "new covenant" is the new agreement God has made with mankind, based on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The concept of a new covenant originated with the promise of Jeremiah that God would accomplish for His people what the old covenant had failed to do (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 11:7-13). Under this new covenant, God would write His Law on human hearts.

When Jesus ate the Passover meal at the Last Supper with His disciples, He spoke of the cup and said, "this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matt. 26:28). Luke's account refers to this cup as symbolizing "the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you" (Luke 22:20).

When Paul recited the account he had received concerning the Last Supper, he quoted these words of Jesus about the cup as "the new covenant in My blood" (1 Cor. 11:25).

The Epistle to the Hebrews gives the new covenant more attention than any other book in the New Testament. It quotes the entire passage from Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Heb. 8:8-12). Jesus is referred to by the writer of Hebrews as "the Mediator of the new covenant" (Heb. 9:15; 12:24). The new covenant, a "better covenant ... established on better promises" (Heb. 8:6), rests directly on the sacrificial work of Christ.

The new covenant accomplished what the old could not, i.e., the removal of sin and cleansing of the conscience (Heb. 10:2, 22). The work of Jesus Christ on the cross thus makes the old covenant "obsolete" (Heb. 8:13) and fulfills the promise of the prophet Jeremiah.

Unlike the Mosaic covenant, the new covenant of Jesus Christ is intended for all mankind -- regardless of race. In the Great Commission Jesus sent His apostles into the entire world so they could tell the story of the cross (Luke 24:46-47; Matt. 28:18-20). The gospel call extends to every man and woman today!

By 31/8/1963, Donald Stevens, on behalf of the Kadazan People as their first Huguan Siou (Paramount Chief) entered into a "Covenant" with Kinoingan Minamangun based on His Sacred Word - the Bible.

HS Donald Stevens, with the Bible in his right hand, and reading the Letter of Proclamation of Independence before  a Judge, representing Kinoingan Minamangun in Heaven of heavens!