Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Vision of a Kadazan Rungus Parent

We met Steven, a Kadazan of the Rungus sub-tribe, on one of our trips to the Northern tip of Borneo and had developed a closed relationship not only because he belongs to our Kadazan Community, who had been purposely neglected for 45 years by the muslim dominated BN government as a tactical move to block the advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but more importantly of the Vision that God had placed on his heart.
Most of the Kadazan Christian Political leaders, especially those who are members of Churches from the traditional background, are frozen down by the fear of the enemies but God the Holy Spirit, who is the real HUGUAN SIOU of the Kadazan,is moving mightily in this Land below the wind, because He is imparting courage, truth and wisdom to so many indigeneous believers so that they can boldly and truly say, "The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
Heb 13:6 (KJV)

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