Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Philippines - The ASIAN TIGER IN 2018 OR- 2020

In 1862, Sir Spenser St. John wrote during his trips to North Borneo aka Sabah about the Ida'ans as the Bajau refer to them and known to the Borneans/Brueneians as Dusuns as the most numerous who populated the region. It was estimated that 2/3 of the region were populated by them.
In 16/9/1963, they were "tricked" to join Malaysia, a new Nation which was co-founded by Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah. In 1965, Singapore was kicked out from the federation, Sabah and Sarawak were forced to stay and after the infamous 666 incident, which killed Donald Stevens aka Tun Fuad, Donald Mojuntin,Salleh Sulong, Chong Thain Vun, Darius Binion and many others, the status of the 2 States were reduced to one of the 13 States!
The Kadazan aka Ida'ans aka Dusun 12 main and 43 sub tribes were reduced to 1/3 of the populations, through conversions, giving myKads to the 1 over million "illegal Muslim immigrants" with the power to vote, own properties and chose their own government. As at time of writing, the BN Muslim dominated government is doing all it can to introduce Syariah laws and declare "killing the infidels" as lawful according to its al-Koran teaching!
Based on historical records, Sabah was leased to the English and it is still paying rental to the Philippine Government which had submitted a claim over the regions! The fate of the remaining Christian Indigenous now hinges on their faith in their Kinoingan Minamangun, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
What God is doing in the Philippines indeed is a testimony of His faithfulness. All praises and glory to Yeshua HaMashiach who was partially revealed to the Kadazan people through the Bobohizans as Huminundun/Huminodun!

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