Thursday, March 2, 2017

Courts of Heaven

The Supreme Court of Heaven, the highest in the Universe

The mobile Court of Heaven equivalent to our Magistrate Court on Earth

The Judge and Master of Universe

Step into heaven, into the place we are seated: In Him in heavenly places.
Activate the mobile courts of the Lord.
Honor who is there: Father as judge, Jesus as our advocate, HS, cloud of witnesses, angelic beings, angelic hosts, heavenly hosts etc...
This can be for you.. or you can stand in someone’s place …or in the place of your generations …or city/area/nation
Repent for whatever you are being led to repent for
When you are done…
Ask the Lord to judge you according to His covering, which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and His blood, which washes away all sin and makes us clean
Ask for the papers/documents that have been trading on these floors.
Ask the Bailiff angel to go out and get every demon/evil-wicked spirit and principality to come into court room
Ask for the papers to be burned up..
..and speak ..there is no more trading on these floors.
From there you can…
Put it in your mountain
Go to the mountain of the Lord
Go to your secret garden and bury the experience there
Go into the heart of Father and rest…
Also check out Truus Legemaat's website, if you need information on how to operate in the courts:
And links to video and other teachings by Robert Henderson, Steve McKie, Ian Clayton,…/COURTS_OF_HEAVEN_-_FREE_…
{All of these links can be found free online}
Robert Henderson
Navigating the Courts of Heaven

The Courts of Heaven Session 1
The Courts of Heaven Session 2
The Courts of Heaven Session 3
The Courts of Heaven Session 4
Steve McKie
Engaging the Heavenly Courts…/2012-10-27T05…
Ian Clayton
Courts Part 1…/2012-09-05T06…
In this life changing message Ian Clayton ( takes us into the 10 Courts of Heaven describing some of what takes place there and how we are called to be a part of these exciting dimensions of God's Government. This session focuses on the mobile court and the angelic court.
Courts Part 2…/2012-09-11T06…
Ian Clayton continues to expand on the different Courts of God in Heaven, and the function of each Court and how we practically engage with the Government of God
Session 1 - Courts & Government of Heaven (Ian Clayton)…/2011-10-31T10…
Get ready to go to new places and begin to operate in the Courts and Justice System of God. No going back after this series!
Session 2 - Courts & Government of Heaven (Ian Clayton)…/2011-11-01T08…
In the second session, Ian Clayton builds on session one explaining how we engage with unseen realities through the screen of our mind, experience, and faith.
Session 3 - Courts & Government of Heaven (Ian Clayton)…/2011-11-02T09…
Progressing from Session 1 and 2, Ian now explores the Hebraic concept of the Bench of Three, the Seven and the Council of 70. He proposes a shift in how we see the function and form of Government as Heaven looks for a Shadow of itself to rest upon.
Session 4 - Courts & Government of Heaven (Ian Clayton)…/2011-11-03T09…
In the fourth session, Ian Clayton continues the journey into administering Justice, and becoming part of the Government of Heaven. A kingdom of Kings and Priests.
Session 5 - Courts & Government of Heaven (Ian Clayton)…/2011-11-04T09…
In session five you will learn to take responsibility as a Priest and King within the realm of Heaven. God is looking for those who will take charge of His courts, and release Justice on the Earth.
Session 6 - Courts & Government of Heaven (Ian Clayton)…/2011-11-05T09…
Fun Q&A Session on the topic of how to operate in the Courts, Dinosaurs, Aliens and much more. Hope you enjoy this as much as we did.
Session 7 - Courts & Government of Heaven (Ian Clayton)…/2011-11-06T09…
In this joy filled session seven, Ian Clayton shares on Angels and the many types that are around the Throne. This will encourage you that you are not alone but are surrounded by incredible beings! A great way to end the gatherings in Wales.
The Court Procedure and Prayer for the Healing of Physical Ailments

(Information above reposted from :

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