Thursday, March 2, 2017

Huguan, Siou

Weird Dream - Huguan, Siou! (17/03/2013)
----------A destroyer stops four Suluks in a row boat rowing towards Lahad Datu. The Captain gets on the loud-hailer and shouts,"Ahoy, small craft. Where are you headed? "One of the Suluks puts down his oar, stands up, and shouts, "We are invading Malaysia to reclaim the territory taken by the Malaysians during the 1800's." The entire crew of the destroyer doubled-over in laughter.When the Captain is finally able to catch his breath, He gets back on the loud-hailer and asks, "Just the four of you?"The same Suluks stands up again and shouts, "No, we're the Last four. The rest are already there with IC's given by our Insider trader- the MAMAK !
Dream continued........ in Sabah, the land below the wind, every one seems to be in " perpetual aramai iti, that is when the Huguan woke up from his slumber, believed to be aggravated by Ajib wife's magic portion, they asked him, " how come that some one took your title as HS? " The invasion happened so fast that by the time the Huguan and his men came around, most of the Orang Dusun went back to the Hutan to hide themselves as Orang Utan, and the Kadazans became Tarzans in the city concrete jungles, coming out at night to the dust bins for throw aways and left overs, and their "unduk Ngadaus " were traded, seduced or terrorized by the Sultan's cousins and nephews  to be their "tazam-manuk' or sex slaves while the Huguan and his henchmen " ikut Barisan" to have their foreskins cut off instead of their heads decapitated as required by the new law just passed in Parliament. A weird dream .... that is magic ..... Huguan, Siou! 

UPKO - A RACIST. (24/2/17)

If some one calls us a racist, we would thank him or her for that is true! There are only two races in this whole world, the one who kill innocent people so that they can go to heaven and claimed their 72 virgins and the one who are prepared to be killed so that their enemies can go to heaven, the good spirited human beings aka Kadazan. Then turn around and ask them which of the two they belong to, the latter or former? Huguan, Siou.

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